Monday, May 3, 2010

Comics in the 21st Century

Webcomic posting! I don't read them a lot, but I do love Perry Bible Fellowship, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, Horribleville, and SUPER MEGA COMICS. (No idea why I like that last one). The concept behind this is 'closure.' There has been a story arc going in some of the postings I've made, and this concludes it. It feels like a webcomic to me. I should have used expressive linework, but as the text implies, I just ran out of time for anything. Hey look, it's the smiley face from the first comic, uncrumpled! Higher resolution available upon request!

Additionally, because we were supposed to review what we've read this semester, here is a pretty full list!:

Understanding Comics - Scott McCloud
The Arrival - Shaun Tan
Little Nemo (Various) - Windsor McCay
Flash Gordon: Vol. 3 - Alex Raymond
The Complete Terry and the Pirates Vol. 1 - Milton Caniff
A Right to be Hostile - Aaron McGruder
Jack Cole and Plastic Man - Art Spigelman
Tintin (Various) - Hergé
Donald Duck (Various) - Carl Barks
A Contract with God - Will Eisner
The Spirit (Various) - Will Eisner
The Book of Mr. Natural - R Crumb
Need More Love - Aline Kominsky-Crumb
The Book of Genesis - R Crumb
Maus (Vol. 1 and 2) - Art Spigelman
King - Ho Che Anderson
A Drifting Life - Yoshihiro Tatsumi
Phoenix (Various) - Osamu Tezuka
Buddha (Various) - Osamu Tezuka
Astro Boy (Various) - Osamu Tezuka
Mushishi - Yuri Urushibara
Persepolis - Marjane Satrapi
Ghostworld - Daniel Clowes
Jimmy Corrigan, The Smartest Kid on Earth - Chris Ware
Skim - Jillian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki
Watchmen - Alan Moore
Sandman (Various) - Neil Gaiman
Arkham Asylum - Grant Morrison
Kingdom Come - Mark Waid and Alex Ross
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac - Johnen Vasquez
Perry Bible Fellowship - Nicholas Gurewitch
electric sheep - Patrick Farley

I probably have read others that I cannot recall right now. It was a semester not shy of text and picture. Hopefully I can keep up the pace in the future. And draw more. And all that.

Oh, and by the way, the posting immediately before this was supposed to be the original Week 14 posting, and this current posting is the re-do. I didn't feel like rewriting and redrawing a comic from earlier in the year, and instead I just planned this out and corrected any spelling /grammatical errors from every posting that needed them. I think that's fair, no? I hope you've enjoyed reading my posts, I tried to make them entertaining.